"Animierte Zahn Quiz" is the German localization of the "Animated Tooth Quiz" which invites you to test your knowledge of human dental anatomy. It may be used for testing and educational purposes for people well-informed about the human teeth. Game consists of 48 illustrated questions with the animated images of each separate tooth. Questions include all 20 deciduous (milk) teeth and 28 permanent teeth (all except wisdom teeth). The goal is to identify the tooth and to select the right answer with its number in "two-digit" notation (ISO-3950) and its name. You can start and stop animation of the tooth rotation as you wish.
Each question has 4 possible answers. When you tap one of the answers, the default color of the pressed button is changed for a while to green (when it was the right answer) or to red (wrong answer). You have 3 attempts to give right answer. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point. Play the "Animated Tooth Quiz" quiz now to test and improve your knowledge of the human dental anatomy!